In my wildest dream
I never expected it
I felt something were just too big to aim for

But not until you came
You changed my orientation
You made me understand
One could get everything he wanted
All one need to do is try

I tried and got lucky
You saw the beauty in ashes
The good in rottenness
 The sincerity in my behavior
And you decided to make me feel lucky

You chose me
When you didn’t have to
You created an avenue for me to be a better person
And you decided not to rest
Till you are able to refine and take the shaft awy

You broke protocol
You chose me
You in-spite of my stupidity decided to choose me
No other person can understand why
Even me still don’t believe I got chosen

You don’t mind the cost
You took away al obstruction to make me special
You took me and left with all the bad associated with it

Words fail me to describe what you’ve done for me
Words can’t describe how grateful I am for this
Words can’t describe how willing I am never to disappoint you

For you my everything
My crayfish, my pure water
My everlasting joy, my inspiration
My feeling, my inspiration
My feeling, my reminder
My thought, my designer
My partner in crime, my motivator
My woman, my wife
My girlfriend, my wife
My destiny, my future

This is just a reminder
We going on a journey of forever and a day more
We not stopping till the end
Am just happy am going on this journey with you
No secret no compromise
So help us GOD

I love you but God loves us more


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