A trip to a Pig farm

The past few days has been a bit interesting for me, it seems September has so many things to teach and show me.

So first Sunday of the month I was at a Pig farm I guess some call it a piggery. It was in Lagos, my uncle has some pigs that he rears so we went to check up on them.

First thing I noticed when I got there, was the smell it was so bad but after getting inside and all, let's just say I got used to the foul smell. My uncle has about 47 pigs about 15 adult and the rest all young piglet although at various age of childhood😶.

Actually, I think pigs are very cute especially when they are still young, i saw some 2weeks old very cute looking piglets all trying to suck breast milk from their mom (although she was quite greedy about allowing them suck). I just felt like taking them all home with me.

So for all you guys who might be interested in rearing pigs here are some few things I heard and noticed.

∆ Pigs are very easy to rear but needs time.

∆ They can eat about almost anything although most pig farmers give them corn shaft 🌽, cereal shaft etc.

∆ They love water.

∆ They make weird noises not those oink sound we were told in primary school that they make.

∆ They are carnivorous; the big ones among them could eat the weakest amongst them when they get super hungry especially nursing mother they crush their piglet skull with their wide teeth.

∆ They have thick skin, and the hair on their body is very hard.

∆ They are very lazy their circle is eat and sleep they have no worries.

∆ It is capital intensive especially  if one want to rear them a large scale, but it very rewarding so it worth it.

So in case you thinking of going into pig farming now or in the future just have some of this things at the back of your mind and you good to go.
But for me sha, I would say I prefer Dog breeding to Pig rearing.

Have a September to remember ↓ ↓
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