Hi guys it’s been a long time sorry for staying away for too long but we back again and we coming  into 2017 better again happy new year this a featured poem titled BABYLON HAS FALLEN.

Babylon has fallen!
All gods were taken.
Pretty princesses were painfully paroled as dogs.
God left his seat, so Satan spoke in thongs.

Angels descended to caution his gut to glow as God.
 Angel Michael was wasted from farthest height of the sky!
The way he struggled before he died will make a Devil cry.

Ah! Angel Gabriel really tried! 
You need to see as he ronaldo-ed 
through Satan’s swords that he flings like a wand.
He didn't stop to fight until his breathes was drained in pains till last drop.

When my God got back in greater glory,                   
Perished souls were as well risen to praise his glory.
The brightness of his cloth blinded that Bastard,
Lucifer from farther yards.

His flesh fled from him
only his soul that my merciful God decided to keep.
And He solely enslaved him in the freedom of living dead in the air.
And live in a more lonely eternity than death...

Written/Composed by: ©Alberto_okuti ft Vikoko
Whatsapp: 08098572104
Instagram: @oouvanguardmedia /@alberto_okuti & @victoronuh73
Twitter: @oouvanguard2
BBM: D1F2739A

We are here for you don’t forget to send your poems and articles to   and get a chance to get it published on the blog , cool right , also don’t forget to share with friends too bless.


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