My question to you

what next?

After finishing that school

And having a job

And having a family
What next?

After sleeping with her

And destroying her life

After having fun with her
What next?

After your dream house

And your dream car

After your dream Girl
What next?

It can go on and on 

But have you actually sat

And thought about it

After your communion with God

After your dry fasting

After your unrelenting prayers
What next?

Your future is too precious

You can't afford to ignore

People say
Live your live as it comes
I say
Live your life
And picture your future

 After everything,          
Remember Christ still exist

He is always there

After everything
He is the destination

I asked myself
What next?

And I realised

I have worshiped
I have praised
I have danced
I have given thanks
I have communes with the holy spirit
What next?

*Mark 16vs15*

"He said to them

Go into all the world
And preach the gospel to all nations"
What next?

Your answer maybe different

The voice behind the pen
©Idundun Abimbola

To connect with him 
Facebook: Idundun Bola
Instagram: @Idundun Bola

We are here for you don’t forget to send your poems and articles to yorubaseeker@gmail.com   and get a chance to get it published on the blog , cool right , also don’t forget to share with friends too bless.


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