GLLA Global Leaders Leadership Academy ( FEATURED POST)


GLLA – GLOBAL LEADERS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY is a social Enterprise oriented Leadership Development School initiated by Global Impact Generation, a non-profit making organization that is devoted to IRT: Impacting, Reforming and Transforming lives across the globe.

And last Saturday on the 18th of February 2016 the graduation of the second set of the academy in Olabisi Onabanjo University GLLA2.0 took place here are picture highlight of the academy.

In the word of MR Emmanuel Osoteku the director of operation of the academy said, the academy has been built and structured in a way that help students of the academy practice and apply every single course taught by our facilitators. Our courses are designed and fashioned with global relevant materials and resources that will be of good help to our students. Our academy aims at building visionary leaders who are addicted to motivate, develop, inspire and increase the capacity of their impact.

GLLA offers the following courses;
v  Basic certificate in leadership development (BCLD)
v  Advanced certificate course in leadership development(ACLD)
v  Executive leadership course for CEOs (ELC)

                 v  Customized leadership training for various schools and organizations. (CLT).

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