I write this with a sad heart,
As I have my sober reflections,
I remember the days I had dreams, ambition and purpose,
The years my dreams were intact!

I was 14 years and 9 months old,
Just fresh from my junior school getting into my Senior years,
I had that dream of becoming a "neurosurgeon" and owning my own business,
Then I started my journey into my teenage years not knowing things,
Oblivious of the world's distractions,
Then I fell into the pit of distractions, complacency meeting "dem babes", 
Smoking "dem craze" and "dancing my days off".

In a twinkle of an eye,
I became 18, finished high school got into college, 
Then freedom came with its "baggage of troubles", 
It felt so real and I felt so happy,
Suddenly in my second year, I was 19 and my muse was 17 we got into each other,
Played away our life's and I made my biggest mistake she got pregnant,
Then my dream was going into the oblivion! 
Now I am 33 and I settled for what life has to offer,
Not what I dreamt of,
And I noticed my dreams got broken!

Written and composed by:


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