It never ceases to amaze me how the human heart tends to consider virtually
unimportant things as the "prior" things in life. This often brings close
to my mind the favorite words of a good old friend... "Some people are so
poor,all they have is money". As ironic as it sounds, those words are one
of truest man will ever know.

Being rich materially seems to be the first and foremost priority in most
(if not all) human hearts,thereby forsaking the most important type of
wealth.. Richness of the heart. But of what benefit is it if our jewelry
boxes are filled up while our hearts are empty? What will it profit us if
our bank accounts are fat ...while our hearts are tiny?
This brings us to thisπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ How big is your heart?

Watching closely a little relative of mine,I've come to realize that
children have the biggest hearts. Hearts so big they can hold the biggest
jewel of all times... Contentment.

You've got a life, people to call family, a place to call home... And yet,
what do you do???..You go about walking with that moody face, carrying on
with life like it's a chore, doing things with that sullen expression
written all over you! And what amazes me is the freakish reason u're
doing that.. Your friend's parents gets him the latest gadgets..So what?!😏
Your friend at work just got your dream car.. Beat it!πŸ‘
Your neighbors get the best vacations to the best places in the world..
Good for them!😎

But u know what, somewhere out there, someone's considering your life
Someone's dying to have the family you've got...
The breakfast you think is sour would mean the world to someone right now...

So if u think your life sucks, just remember that's what your heart thinks
,not what it really is.

How big is your heart?.. Big enough to hold that great jewel..

Never ever forget, life is what you make it. And with a big heart ,your
life will an hobby,not a chore.

And maybe.. Just maybe.. Ur life could be perfect.πŸ˜‰

written and composed by


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