Love can be
Greater than stars,
Love can shine
Brighter than the stars
Beyond the tide
That beacons to heart
Without the figment of denial

Love isn't blind
Beyond the masked beauty
Of emptiness' charade,
It ignores the flaws
Like a magnet drawn to the intent
It accepts the emblem of a heart
That's designed for the act,
for the pact,

Love guarantees nothing
Without the epitome of Trust
Readily can't be visible
Without a committed stance
It's takes grace to love
Without the intent of lust
A feeling that should be
Unleashed by sincere lot

What is love
When the God factor
Is not involved?
Let's draw love from the source
To avoid a cross of destruction
No one trusts in he who is
With the inheritance of emptiness

Arise! Shine
In the light of Love!

written and composed by


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