Having studied circumstances surrounding the world of women..... The gender insecurities, abuse, responsibilities, Feminism, the African belief of "Women belong to the kitchen", gender discrimination, strengths and flaws, the struggle through childhood to old age.... To mention but a few.

I decided to come up with a poem which summarises all the experience in the words "The woman I Have Become ". I'm not writing in appraisal or discrimination, but in realisation.
Happy women's day.
I'm so proud to be a Woman.

The Woman I have Become

So much for a child,
So much for a girl,
So much I have seen,
So much I have experienced,
So much that hurts a while,
So much I seem to overcome,
So much I look back on,
So much I wished would change,
So much I wished would remain,
So much in this I was engulfed,
So much I have become.

Life has taught me a lot
Life nurtured me along,
Life gave me a little that counts so much,
Life hurts me to heal me,
Life broke me to build me,
Life tortured me to strengthen me.
Life left me to appreciate life.

With time I discovered a lot......
Those "so much" counts less,
Life was the love around me,
I have to let go to move on,
Appreciate the ones that care,
While they still are around.
I have to love to be loved.
I have to quit dreaming & strive for it.
Look beyond the "IFs" of life.
Learn to appreciate God & his plans.
Stand against the cruel world I am in,
Fight the good fight of faith.
And if anyone questions this,
My simple reply would be.......
This is **The Woman I Have Become*l*



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