Life After School

What will your life be after school?
This is a vital question most finalist are been asked in one way or the other. But unfortunately, only a few have a concrete answer to such questions. The transition from being an undergraduate to a graduate is kinder funny and scary to most students. The thought of being independent, no more frequent pocket money from Daddy and Mummy, Uncles and Aunts, Brothers and Sisters… is something we all have to deal with. This is a period when every decision you make counts and are very vital to your future because everybody now look up to you.
After spending four, five to six years in school studying one course or the other, here are few questions you need to ask yourself
What did I achieve? What's next as a graduate?To some, those years were years of reformation, to others, they were years of purpose discovery, while some see the years as wasted years borne out of frustration or disappointments, no thanks to the education system of the country. Particularly in Nigeria and Africa at large, we have poor orientation of career choice, most students choose courses either because of the name or because they were forced by parents to study such courses (living another man’s dream). Also, some study because they want to work in big firms.
There is is till time to wake from your slumber and plan ahead of what your "LIFE AFTER SCHOOL" would be, Aranbe Fashion Presents "LIFE AFTER SCHOOL 2017"Tagged "DREAM". A life changing educative and motivative programme for all students, you cant afford to miss this.
Date: Thursday, April 27th 2017
Time: 9:00am
Venue: OGD HALL, Olabisi Onabanjo University (Main Campus)
Remember, What will your life be after school?
See You at the Top....................
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