She was there before I got my visa
By me she sides when I wore akisa
Even when I had a severe fever
And she forgot to shave her beaver
Because I couldn't afford a shaver
My love in her heart was still non-negotiable even for a bidder
She could even give me her bladder
Because our love had out grown like a cancer

Remember when we drank garri
And hid from my Barry
Because we couldn't pay in cowry
And our house rent had been due since January
Our lives wasn't flowery
But you stayed though I didn't pay your dowry
Your parent asked for a cow that produces milk that is a diary
But still you wrote my name all over your diary

You remember when I cried?
I wanted to die
But you didn't want to wish me bye
So you faked smiles
So my life could be beautiful like a multicoloured dye
You told me all will be fine
Without collecting a dime

When she owe and couldn't pay
When all hope was lost and we forgot to pray
We were being tomented like an injured prey
People wanted to lead us astray
But we were focused and just look straight
We were broke with little faith
All hopes of a pay day was looking faint

I was now rich
She was involved in an industrial accident and was killed
Her boss had payed her life bills
How could she work and couldn't taste even a sip
She gave her life for my happiness
How could I be so poor I have only money?

Written and composed by


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