Happy Children's Day

I am a child to my parent, but I don't really see myself as a child at least going by Nigerian constitution. But I was once a child, I once had the same joy children felt when May 27 was around the corner CHILDREN'S DAY, I once looked forward to those days especially when it fell on weekends , me and my siblings would have planned on how to make our parent take us to the park to play and all, and if we were at home NEPA was always kind enough to give us light for longer period than normal.
The good old days.
And if the day fell on a weekday, my school always did something special to celebrate the day for us.

I actually remembered a particular children's day, then we had concluded with my parent on how we were going to have picnic in the park and on the D-day My parent just went out and didn't come back until in the evening and so our plan that day had to be aborted although the day was still fun because the anticipation got us.

This days things have changed who has time for children's day even kids now don't send there has been no light today everything just not going well like before but never the less Happy Children's Day to every child everywhere in the world have a wonderful life.


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