IN HIS HEAD (Poetry Series)

Final series
“Journey with me to my head of old
Meet iyonda my playful gate keeper
She rolls in flowery plains
Like a laughing hyena she cries
Gazing at her broken water pot
She thinks of the whips that await her
And wishes she could be here forever
So i make her my head’s gate keeper
In here no whip can touch her
But iyonda do me solid, get up and sing!
Calm my storm with heavens melody
Straight to sweet victoryville
And as for you victorville
Sweet God of victoryville
Show me all is not in my head, a dream
If i make a vow of cooperation
Will my cup fill?
And on my bread a spread of cream?
Life like victoryville, a place to conquer
Victoryville you are in my head and my pride
On this land i will not rush and if i do its to build a church
With drums and trumpets and Cymbals and tambourines
Can you however wait till the corrupt perish?
Then life will be mine
Sink or swim they expect the best from me
Oh Great deity show me all is not in my head.
This story of my life seem to be in one direction
My life in the west has only made me have dreams
The other day the universe played a trick on me
Brought my other half to me. Too soon!
Wake up niccur she saw what you were now and fled
I’m still in the water. Not sinking nor swimming
The umpire shouts
“sink of swim you son of a gun” he sets his timer
They all do. I mean the look at the clock.
Time itself is timeless, why then should i be bound by it
It may be in my head ehn.
But in The script handed to me i was to be a superhero
Without a cape! No i have a cape but i can’t fly
I know why! Your foot is on it!
Let go you scum!
Get out of my head! Go run someone else mad.
If i can fly she may come back. That’s what He said.
I think He too is in my head.
I think He is in everybody’s head.
Somewhere i can’t locate.
I’ll live and run Him up to speed later.
For now. I have a Show to attend. A Fashion show.
Its not in my head so make sense of it.
I met you
Baller and Slayqueen
Baller i envied at first
Slayqueen i pitied from the word go
Both of you Fondling a steamy hose breathing death
The way you dragged, seductive
The baller such a magnificent flamboyance
The way you emptied half a million in liquid
Onto the other half a million worth of Wrist watch
To buttress your assertion of its water resistibility
We applauded! Awesome!
Slayqueen had a priceless Prada on parade
Dangerous Elegance in her stride.
As i gazed in drool, you baller, you walked up
You hit me on my chest
“sink or swim” you said. Even you?
You too know my life is at a crossroad?
Let me run out now with some pride left.
I’ll Leave you to it then, i mean you baller and Slayqueen
Our lives are not intertwined thank the heavens
Again My head wishes it would vaporize
But it wont will it?
If it would not, then I will swim after all

Composed by -AdePraiz-


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