The thing about our inner demons is...
Nobody ever seems to notice
We're nose deep
Sinking in our own bloodpool
And with every inch we sinking... We smile and cover our hurts with cackles of laughter
The message is screaming at them
But they choose to listen to the faint sound of "I'm fine"
They ignore the sound
Of our hearts breaking on the background
We're learning to love
But just as tough
Is a million people expecting you to be their good samaritan
We are so close to each other
And the glue seems to be fake smiles and plastic teeth

Nobody cares about the pain wrapped up in that blunt
The only thing he learnt to pass was that Joy Paper
And he only knows Sativa is the botanical name of his bestfriend
The only girl who didn't look right through him was Mary Jane
She is so angry at the world
Nobody loves me is her mantra and when a man comes close is because he can't come from a distance.
She slits her wrists and hopes to crash in the comfort of the buzz
Today she couldn't catch the bus
So she's stuck with a future laced in silverware of loneliness
The world sees a prostitute
A junkie maybe
She....she doesn't even see the world
The same world that lives copy and paste
If only they could have a taste
If only ....just ifs
Her case is what it just is
A jury with injustice
No sympathy.... Just ephemeral empathy..

Let's all fight alone then
Everyone that lets the devil in
Dines in distress
But the devil let's us drink this pain in pieces
Doesn't he?

Written and composes by
Ace Yhousouf


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