It Doesn't Worth It

Contentment is a virtue, in this world where everybody want to live in the fast lane, where every body want to make it quick, where the joy of labour is becoming an undesirable trait, let us decide to do the right thing at all time, It Doesn't Worth It
Integrity is everything, no matter the little one hustle can bring let's be proud of it and get joy in the fact that we eating from the sweat of our labour
"It might take long for success to come but it is inevitable if you keep working"

The urge to live a fake life should be suppressed,
The desire of illegal wealth should be discarded,
The fortunes of a thief last but for a while.

There has never being a story of someone who had ill gotten wealth that didn't suffer a repercussion
Desist from it
"It Doesn't Worth It"


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